MPRE Lean Sheets
The Most Efficient Way to Review
for the MPRE

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) requires extensive knowledge of both the Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the Model Code of Judicial Conduct. Given the broad scope of legal ethics that may be tested, studying for the MPRE can be a burdensome and time consuming process.
That's why we created MPRE Lean Sheets. Our MPRE Attack Outline streamlines all of the most important and frequently tested rules into just 5 pages. It covers all of the 12 major topics tested, and is, without question, the most efficient and effective way to review for the MPRE.
Just like our Bar Exam Lean Sheets, the MPRE Lean Sheets provides everything you NEED to know to pass. No fluff!
MPRE Topics Covered Include
- Regulation of Legal Profession
- The Client-Lawyer Relationship
- Client Confidentiality
- Conflicts of Interest
- Safekeeping Funds & Other Property
- Competence, Legal Malpractice, and Other Civil Liability
- Litigation & Other Forms of Advocacy
- Different Roles of the Lawyer
- Communications About Legal Services
- Lawyer's Duties to Public & Legal System
- Judicial Conduct